sesuai dengan judul, gua sangat kangen dengan 2009.
As time goes by, i kinda feel like i am losing something. and there you go. I miss 2009.
masih teringat saat saat pertama kali masuk delapan. cuma gua atika dan anti yang dari Pangudi Luhur. bertiga kita lalui mos.
then i got into one special class name AN[XI]OUS. duduk sama filino tampubolon yang bapaknya adalah mantan mama gua. HAHAHAH. ketemu fitria dewi astari dan nauli dwi f, dan berlanjut menjadi keluarga cemara dengan nauli sebagai emak dan ucup sebagai abah. lalu ketemu temen gila yang seharusnya tiga tahun sekelas sama gua: DINDA AULIA DAN AYA PRAYASCITTA. hahahahahahahaha. mereka gila dan aneh dan sinting. yang satu punya geng motor, yang satu lebay. hahahahah. terus satu subsie lagi astagaaaaaa pusing gua.
lalu masuk ke kaderisasi PK. ketemu temen2 gila dan pengubah hidup gua pertama. ada idris, rivky, atika, devy, fatya, laura, miranda, xika, oji, niaw, tepi, haris, ridho, qinthara, rio, nurul, iiem, laudy, karin. mulai dari pentaru, bikin nametag aneh2, buku diklat, paper organisasi, paper opini, paper schoolympic, yel-yel pentaru dan tpa. bahagianya jadi satu-satunya perwakilan anak kelas 1 yang dianggap oleh guru. kebanggan itu tidak didapat dengan gampang, tapi dengan perjuangan, tangis, dan tawa selama di kosan gue plus tempat lain. hahaha.
lalu ada masa kader subsie, dimana subsie (art) atau kesenian, dan gua adalah sampah subsie. disitu kenal banak anak art yang ternyata gak punya otak dan kocak-kocak. hahahahahahahah. maafkan gue. art-42, yel-yel, dan semua semuanya itu.
waktu itu anxious bener2 nunjukkin kalo kelas anxious itu paling oke dan kompak. waktu kelas 1, mash inget tugas akhir kesenian. dari situ babakan sampai per kelasnya. juara 4, LUMAYAAAANNN. hahaha terus sering jalan, kalau di kelas rasanya aneh gak gangguin ghema. hahahhahahah. anxious you're the best
terus ikutan seleksi AFS. ga keterima pas di berkas adalah awal mula gua bertemu anak-anak nacel open door 17. really miss you.
masih inget juga pertama kali bertemu dengan temen2 LKS, yang nantinya akan bergabung dengan PK memperjuangkan nama 2009, nama 8, dan nama schoolympic. yang akhirnya terbentuklah ke-16 orang yang sama gilanya. i miss you guys a lot.
BUT MOST OF ALL, I AM HAPPY AND UNCONDITIONALLY IN LOVE WITH ROKRIS 2009. gua kangen dan jujur, saat gua masuk kelas agama sama 2010, gua mau nangis di kelas. gua tahaaaan terus. gua kangen kalian. beneran.
nasihat untuk kelas satu: MAIN MAIN SAJALAH. tapi masih tetep belajar buat penjurusan.
kelas 2
apa yaaa. kelas 2 adalah kelas ancur. xi ipa d. uwaw.
duduk sama ridho pang umardhanu adalah kesempatan luar biasa untuk melatih wajah. hahahahahahahahaha. bestfriend and chairmate and a family in PK gua. temen curhat dan pacar simpanan gua. hahahahahahaha canda dho. ada nana yang mabok mulu, wila kerudung boongan yang otaknya ilang, rama josua temen curhat rokris, dan rino sriwijaya yang jago banget biologi kayak air; lancar dan mengalir. lalu ada revy cina lebay tapi baik, ada devy tukang pacaran dan suka bikin gaya aneh2 di kelas, ada aya dan jeje lagi *yaampun*, ada betsy purba dan humala prika yang membuat hari2 gua dan ridho semakin berwarna dengan candaan dan berantemnya mereka. plus gaya this is 2007-nya humala prika. Bu nana wali kelas yang kocak pas di akhir2 ternyata, ada tebo dan nindy juga, dan lain-lain. makes me wanna cry to remember all of you.
teringat juga masa MAPEL dan pemilihan jabatan ketua. hahahahaha. rahasia mapel hanya untuk kita-kita saja. hahahahahahahaha. maaf maaf maaf kalo ada salah selama di pk.
kader pk 15 dan kader subsie. capeknya ngurusin ijin dan marah2in ketua subsie yang ga bener. hahah maafkan aku istiadi. retret. pertama kali cinlok (aih). hahahahahaha. dan sebagainya. cuma gua di kelas 2 banyak belajar dan memperbaiki diri sebelum akhirnya berangkat ke amrik.
fun time
meet my new friends, 2010! duduk di kelas 12 ipa i. gua masih terbayang akan kenyamanan bersama 2009. miss you guys like crazy. dan semuanya itu gua persembahkan dengan hati gua.
gua sayang 2009. ga nyangka kita udah berpencar. yang dulunya tiap hari ketemu, ledek2an, belajar bareng, remed bareng, lomba padus bareng, dimarahin guru bareng, ngatain orang bareng, sekarang udah ga bisa kayak dulu. tapi suatu saat nanti kita akan bertemu lagi kok. semoga semuanya bisa berjalan dengan lancar ke depan ya 2009.
i wish you the best!
sincerely, ruth harahap
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
eighteen means older
have you seen The Sweetest Thing? the one with Cameron Diaz on it?
she said something about age (that makes me laugh EVERYTIME i watch it). about how 'gravity' pulled out muscle and fatty down. it was really funny. i think that's how people measured their age and their elder life.
I was suprised by my age today. I am officially eighteen years old. old enough to decide whether i want to do something or not. this journey of my life made me realized how crazy and and how life is hard. I had a lot of theories in my head right now. i tried to believe what i believe, not knowing yet if it's gonna be the basic of my life or not, cause i change a lot. People change a lot.
I feel like i need to do something in my life. something bigger. something that can make change. I do want to be a great person, just like what I have been prayed. I pray I can be more mature in the future, and wise enough to decide.
i'd love to go back to indonesia, but i really want to go back to study in here. get a job, and build my life in america. I hope someday i can be a cardiologist. and meet my friends again!
she said something about age (that makes me laugh EVERYTIME i watch it). about how 'gravity' pulled out muscle and fatty down. it was really funny. i think that's how people measured their age and their elder life.
I was suprised by my age today. I am officially eighteen years old. old enough to decide whether i want to do something or not. this journey of my life made me realized how crazy and and how life is hard. I had a lot of theories in my head right now. i tried to believe what i believe, not knowing yet if it's gonna be the basic of my life or not, cause i change a lot. People change a lot.
I feel like i need to do something in my life. something bigger. something that can make change. I do want to be a great person, just like what I have been prayed. I pray I can be more mature in the future, and wise enough to decide.
i'd love to go back to indonesia, but i really want to go back to study in here. get a job, and build my life in america. I hope someday i can be a cardiologist. and meet my friends again!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
summer sad breaking heart
pointless, no destination.
like you're walking in airport, but there's no ticket in your hands. you just walk that path until you are tired. until you are sicked of walking.
sitting here doing nothing,
what a great thing to do.
i am bored
desperate to know if this is gonna be something.
but... you do what you always do. sitting there, doing nothing but denying yourself.
needed to move on, but then you dragged me back.
right now, i need to move. so go on, leave me breathless :)--the Corrs--
i am fine and ready to fly.
like you're walking in airport, but there's no ticket in your hands. you just walk that path until you are tired. until you are sicked of walking.
sitting here doing nothing,
what a great thing to do.
i am bored
desperate to know if this is gonna be something.
but... you do what you always do. sitting there, doing nothing but denying yourself.
needed to move on, but then you dragged me back.
right now, i need to move. so go on, leave me breathless :)--the Corrs--
i am fine and ready to fly.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
parfume part 2
sudah lama tidak menulis. hehehe
hmm jadi begini nih, gua lagi suka banget lagu thinking of you nya Katy Perry. entah kenapa.
*hahaha ga penting
eh btw gua nawarin si temen gua yang harum itu ke prom lho. tapi dia ada ultah grandpa nya. jadi ga bisa deh. sedih gua (ga deng lebay). eeehh sampe emaknya ngmgin ttg gue, gara2 gua ngajak dia ke prom. BUSET EMAK EMAK. begini nih kalo udah cerita sama emak lo, disebarin ke temen2nya, HAHAHA
hokay,gua dan si temen gua itu semakin dekat karena sama2 di drama sekolah gitu. plus gua dan dia juga di choir. plus dia pergi ke gereja gua. hahaha.
nah ini makin bikin gua deg2an. jadi tadi itu ada latihan gitu, cuma gua harus nunggu sekitar 2 jam gitu deh sebelum latihannya dimulai. naaah, entah kenapa dia duduk di depan gua, dan dia baik banget bantuin paper gua dan temen gua.
*FYI, dia memang banyak yang suka ternyata gara2 kebaikannya dan emang lucu banget anaknya. gua ga sadar sampe segerumulan penggosip lagi gosipin dia. busyeeettt. hahaha*
naaah, pas udah mulai, kita harus nunggu lagi sampe giliran gitu. wah gua udah males dong, nunggu lama bener. akhirnya gua keluar, baca 1984, terus dengerin ipod. tiba tiba ada yang duduk aja gitu di samping gua. weits jangan salah, gua sudah mengenali bau harum ini. hahahaha. gua harus akui, he amazed me. really do amazed me, like a lot. sampe janitor sekolah gua ngomong langsung, 'you are so cute' ke dia! --nah lho! terus dia duduk aja disitu sama gua ngomongin paper gua, kostum dia (gua akhirnya ngmg, 'hey you look very nice with that costume' heheheh), dan lain2. gua diselamatkan kecanggungan diantara aku dan dia oleh 2 teman baikku, hehehe.
btw mamanya itu emang cantik bangetngetnget. jadilah anaknya lucu, dan baik, dan pintar.
meskipun begitu gua tetap merasa bersalah. hahaha--- ada misteri di balik ini semua. hahaha ga deng boong
sudah lama tidak menulis. hehehe
hmm jadi begini nih, gua lagi suka banget lagu thinking of you nya Katy Perry. entah kenapa.
*hahaha ga penting
eh btw gua nawarin si temen gua yang harum itu ke prom lho. tapi dia ada ultah grandpa nya. jadi ga bisa deh. sedih gua (ga deng lebay). eeehh sampe emaknya ngmgin ttg gue, gara2 gua ngajak dia ke prom. BUSET EMAK EMAK. begini nih kalo udah cerita sama emak lo, disebarin ke temen2nya, HAHAHA
hokay,gua dan si temen gua itu semakin dekat karena sama2 di drama sekolah gitu. plus gua dan dia juga di choir. plus dia pergi ke gereja gua. hahaha.
nah ini makin bikin gua deg2an. jadi tadi itu ada latihan gitu, cuma gua harus nunggu sekitar 2 jam gitu deh sebelum latihannya dimulai. naaah, entah kenapa dia duduk di depan gua, dan dia baik banget bantuin paper gua dan temen gua.
*FYI, dia memang banyak yang suka ternyata gara2 kebaikannya dan emang lucu banget anaknya. gua ga sadar sampe segerumulan penggosip lagi gosipin dia. busyeeettt. hahaha*
naaah, pas udah mulai, kita harus nunggu lagi sampe giliran gitu. wah gua udah males dong, nunggu lama bener. akhirnya gua keluar, baca 1984, terus dengerin ipod. tiba tiba ada yang duduk aja gitu di samping gua. weits jangan salah, gua sudah mengenali bau harum ini. hahahaha. gua harus akui, he amazed me. really do amazed me, like a lot. sampe janitor sekolah gua ngomong langsung, 'you are so cute' ke dia! --nah lho! terus dia duduk aja disitu sama gua ngomongin paper gua, kostum dia (gua akhirnya ngmg, 'hey you look very nice with that costume' heheheh), dan lain2. gua diselamatkan kecanggungan diantara aku dan dia oleh 2 teman baikku, hehehe.
btw mamanya itu emang cantik bangetngetnget. jadilah anaknya lucu, dan baik, dan pintar.
meskipun begitu gua tetap merasa bersalah. hahaha--- ada misteri di balik ini semua. hahaha ga deng boong
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
II. Dexon --> 2nd part of my story.
Nothing happen that day, Ivy thought that the spell was just a thread. So then, she went home, took a bath and went sleep.
One week later, there was a great storm coming right around Fakeland. The King had prepared for the storm because Lepricausa, the future-reader of the kingdom, told the King before it came. Lepricausa also predicted that people of Tea Country will come and ask help. What he said was true; they came and asked if they could stay two to three weeks until they finished rebuild their own kingdom. The King approved and the people of Tea country moved in. Dexon, who was very happy, came to Ivy's castle if she wanted to walk with him to the villages.
So then they walked together, and stopped at flower shop. While Dexon was buying a bouquet of flowers, an antique store caught Ivy's eyes. There was a swan lamp. It is not ordinary because it changed a lot. the lady that owned the place said that it changes to different color, depends on the mood of someone that touched the swan. Ivy was so impressed by that lamp, while Dexon was impressed by a persom who passed him by. He was trying to stop that person, until he forgot that Ivy was with him. it was all dark and he found her, sitting at the bench.
he felt so sorry and from nowhere, she just forgived him.
He walked Iy home, holding her hands and smiled at her. starring her blue eyes under the star. It was all romantic. but, Ivy can not be sure for what was happening between her and Dexon. So she asked him if he loved her. He said, yes. And so it is, that's all for that night.
Ivy woke up next morning with a letter from her dad, saying that Dexon's in the battle, fight for his country. he will be back as soon as possible, so he can propose Ivy. She was soo happy. She told her dad about the letter and her dad said yes, she can marry him. what a great happy ending right? not at all. as soon as he got back, Dexon got this mixed-up face. he looked like he can not do anything. he was soo strange that day. so he told her how's the battle and so on, until he got in one point.
'Ivy, i think we should take a break. I don't want to break your heart, but i'm seeing another man.'
she was going to fall down. 'man? like, a guy?'
'yes, a guy. i think i might be interested in guy.'
'goodbye dexon. hope you ahve a great life with kids. oh wait, you can't produce kids!'
that's all? NOOO Ivy will have another man in her life. you just have to wait, sit down and relax. enjoy your hot choco, though.
One week later, there was a great storm coming right around Fakeland. The King had prepared for the storm because Lepricausa, the future-reader of the kingdom, told the King before it came. Lepricausa also predicted that people of Tea Country will come and ask help. What he said was true; they came and asked if they could stay two to three weeks until they finished rebuild their own kingdom. The King approved and the people of Tea country moved in. Dexon, who was very happy, came to Ivy's castle if she wanted to walk with him to the villages.
So then they walked together, and stopped at flower shop. While Dexon was buying a bouquet of flowers, an antique store caught Ivy's eyes. There was a swan lamp. It is not ordinary because it changed a lot. the lady that owned the place said that it changes to different color, depends on the mood of someone that touched the swan. Ivy was so impressed by that lamp, while Dexon was impressed by a persom who passed him by. He was trying to stop that person, until he forgot that Ivy was with him. it was all dark and he found her, sitting at the bench.
he felt so sorry and from nowhere, she just forgived him.
He walked Iy home, holding her hands and smiled at her. starring her blue eyes under the star. It was all romantic. but, Ivy can not be sure for what was happening between her and Dexon. So she asked him if he loved her. He said, yes. And so it is, that's all for that night.
Ivy woke up next morning with a letter from her dad, saying that Dexon's in the battle, fight for his country. he will be back as soon as possible, so he can propose Ivy. She was soo happy. She told her dad about the letter and her dad said yes, she can marry him. what a great happy ending right? not at all. as soon as he got back, Dexon got this mixed-up face. he looked like he can not do anything. he was soo strange that day. so he told her how's the battle and so on, until he got in one point.
'Ivy, i think we should take a break. I don't want to break your heart, but i'm seeing another man.'
she was going to fall down. 'man? like, a guy?'
'yes, a guy. i think i might be interested in guy.'
'goodbye dexon. hope you ahve a great life with kids. oh wait, you can't produce kids!'
that's all? NOOO Ivy will have another man in her life. you just have to wait, sit down and relax. enjoy your hot choco, though.
perfume and some of my stupid vision
do you know what it smells like when you just passed someone with a great smell at wal-mart, or at any stores?
I kinda like what i smelled today. First, my bestfriend smelled so good today. I told him today, 'gosh you smell so good.'
yes i know it's creepy. but i can't help it. he smells so good. LOL. So than he just said, 'thanks.'
simple, yet makes my heart beats faster. hahahaha
but yeah, back to topic, i went to walmart today. my hostparents got to do their groceries shop so i went with them. There i met some of my friends and then i passed a guy with a great smells. like calvin klein, or Hugo Boss--to be honest, i did search some of man's perfume today. wait, i became creepier than i should be. LOL
so the point is, you should wear perfume everywhere cause you never know you stoled someone's heart with your perfume. hahahahahahah
But, you know what, because of that, i got an idea for my story! i am so HA-PEAH!
okay, just read my story.
I kinda like what i smelled today. First, my bestfriend smelled so good today. I told him today, 'gosh you smell so good.'
yes i know it's creepy. but i can't help it. he smells so good. LOL. So than he just said, 'thanks.'
simple, yet makes my heart beats faster. hahahaha
but yeah, back to topic, i went to walmart today. my hostparents got to do their groceries shop so i went with them. There i met some of my friends and then i passed a guy with a great smells. like calvin klein, or Hugo Boss--to be honest, i did search some of man's perfume today. wait, i became creepier than i should be. LOL
so the point is, you should wear perfume everywhere cause you never know you stoled someone's heart with your perfume. hahahahahahah
But, you know what, because of that, i got an idea for my story! i am so HA-PEAH!
okay, just read my story.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My Wedding Song Playlist
NO NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT. nor getting married soon. just playing around.
waktu itu, gua dan Riris beserta geng BTA 45 jumat sabtu mau ke rumahnya Ira, cuma beristirahat dan makan2--ini bagian kesukaan gua- di sana. makanannya enak2 banget lho, ga nyesel gua ke rumahnya Ira. hehehe
terus gua sama Riris tiba2 ngomongin Wedding songs, gua lupa karena apa. nah, gua mau share nih lagu2 gua. hahahaha
yang ada di ipod baru *cie pamer*
emak, anakmu ga pengen nikah cepet kok. kan situ udah tau. hehehe
waktu itu, gua dan Riris beserta geng BTA 45 jumat sabtu mau ke rumahnya Ira, cuma beristirahat dan makan2--ini bagian kesukaan gua- di sana. makanannya enak2 banget lho, ga nyesel gua ke rumahnya Ira. hehehe
terus gua sama Riris tiba2 ngomongin Wedding songs, gua lupa karena apa. nah, gua mau share nih lagu2 gua. hahahaha
yang ada di ipod baru *cie pamer*
- I Say A Little Prayer for You
- You'll Never Find Another Love
- Wonderful Tonight (Duet With Ivan Lins)
- I'm Your Man
- Everything
- Always On My Mind
- angles brought me here
- Can I Walk With You
- Dia
- Grow Old with You
- Guess I'm Falling For You (Michael Bublè)
emak, anakmu ga pengen nikah cepet kok. kan situ udah tau. hehehe
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